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    Mysql_Query : select count(*) as cnt from ( select * from gameplayerinfo where gpi_competition_no = ) as a inner join gameresultinfo on gpi_mac_address = gri_mac_address and gpi_start_date = gri_start_date and gpi_start_time = gri_start_time and gpi_player_no = gri_player_no and gpi_player_name = gri_player_name where gpi_competition_no = and gpi_game_state = 1 and gri_tar = 1 order by gpi_mac_address, gpi_start_date, gpi_start_time
    Mysql_Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') as a inner join gameresultinfo on gpi_mac_address = gri_mac_address and gpi_st' at line 1
    Mysql Error Num : 1064
